\n \n\n Get started by setting up a custom domain for your verifications
Loading... Please wait.
\n \n\n Enter the 6-digit code sent to {{ }}. Check Spam folder if you haven't received\n it.\n
\n \n \n\n Welcome to QR Mark\n
\n \n We are thrilled to have you onboard!\n \n \n Setup your account\n \n\n Get started by setting up a custom domain for your verifications
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\n \nYour browser does not support Clipboard API
\n\n Click on Done once both the CNAME and TXT records have been added successfully. Please note\n that sometimes it will take up to 24 hours before our system can recognise the changes on\n your subdomain.\n
\n \n\n Use this feature to customize the domain of verification links generated using QR Mark. Adding\n your own domain in verification links will make the verification trustworthy with end-users\n and avoid counterfeiting.\n
\n \n \n \n\n Use this feature to customize the domain of verification links generated using QR Mark.\n Adding your own domain in verification links will make the verification trustworthy with\n end-users and avoid counterfeiting. As a best practice, you can create and setup a\n sub-domain of your brand's root domain. For example, if your domain is, you can\n create and setup the sub-domain or Please following this\n step-by-step guide on how to setup a custom domain\n
\nGet started by setup your first custom domain
\n \n Loading... Please wait.\n\n Use this feature to invite other users to access and manage account by assigning a role.\n
\n \n \nInvite User
\n\n Assign role, permissions and invite user to manage account\n
\n\n Users\n
\nLoading... Please wait.
\n \n \nNo users found.
\n \n\n Size: {{ cardContext.fileSize && (cardContext.fileSize / 1000000).toFixed(2) }} MB\n \n
\nPage Count: {{ props.totalPage }}
\n \n \n \n \n \n\n Use this option to permanently delete your account and all linked verifications data. Please\n note that this cannot be undone.\n
\n\n Maybe we’e already answered your questions. Here’s our FAQs\n
\n\n During the beta version, QR Mark is entirely free to use. However, charges will be\n implemented once we transition out of the beta phase.\n
\n\n After initial setup of the custom domain (requires configuration in DNS settings), no\n software development knowledge is required to use QR Mark. You can either opt for Google\n Docs/Microsoft 365 add-ons or directly upload the PDF version in the application dashboard\n to add verification images.\n
\n\n Counterfeiters can generate their QR Code and URL, leading users to a counterfeit\n page/content. However, counterfeiters cannot use your company/brand domain in their URLs.\n This is why QR Mark makes it mandatory to setup a custom domain for the verification URLs so\n that end-users (people who scan to verify) can trust the page/content as it is linked to the\n company's/brand's domain.\n
\nQR Mark does store some of your data, including:
\n\n was created using the Upload feature, then the system stores a copy of the document. But\n don’t worry, QR Mark employs the highest standards of data protection and security to\n safeguard user information and privacy. Only authorized people who have access to the\n original document (thereby having access to the verification image) will be able to view\n these details and a digital copy of the document.\n
\n \n\n We provide a QR Code as well as a verification URL. If the QR Code is damaged or no longer\n works, the end-user can easily click the verification URL to verify. If the landing page\n doesn't load due to a technical issue, user can reach out to the customer relations team for\n support.\n
\nTwo things can happen, depending on how the verification system was created.